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OPD is one of the important section or you can say it is one of the very important part in any hospital. OPD is an acronym having quite a few terms and meanings. There are a lot of meanings of OPD. Here I will discuss about Out Patient Department. This is because of the reason that I myself have experienced about and things very closely. That is why here I am going to share with all of you regarding the Out Patient Department. As I have mentioned above that OPD in the medical terminology is an acronym that is used for Out Patient Department, there are a lot of things about OPD that stands for Out Patient Department.

So dear just go through the things I am going to share about Out Patient Department.

What is OPD?

OPD is one of the popular term. Most of among you are aware about this. At least you have listened about OPD. Well in the previous section I have shared that OPD in fact stands for Out Patient department and is one of the most important part of any hospital having their own feature. Well here in this section I am going to share what in fact an Out Patient department is.

For the kind information ODP that is Out Patient Department is one of the department in any hospital. It is pne of the section of the hospital. OPD means an Out Patient Department of a hospital and that department is having important workings. Actually this is the section of the hospital where patients are provided medical consultations and other allied services.

Parts and Services of OPD

There are quite a few features of Out Patient Department. Let me here mention some of the important parts as well as services of an Out Patient Department of any hospital. This is having following parts as well as services-

  1. The first one is Consultation Chamber. Consultation Chamber is the part where patients are provided medical, surgical or allied consultation as well as expert opinion.
  2. After the Consultation chamber there is the second one section and is known as Examination Rooms. In this section that is in the Examination Rooms patients can be examined for any disease condition.
  3. The third one is here. It is in fact that of Diagnostics. Diagnostics actually have radiology, pathology,microbiology and also other diagnostic services and sample collection points.
  4. The last but not the least there comes Pharmacy. This thing i.e Pharmacy provides medications to the patients.

Thus dear readers of the blog, these are some of the things that are mentioned here about OPD that stands for Out Patient Department. Well one of the noticing thing here is that other services can be a part of this if there will be need. In other need it depends on the needs also. So guys and girls you now up to get a lot of things about Out Patient Department and so as far as the opinion of mine is concern, you may have now a lot of ideas about the topic. But if you are interested to know about more about Out Patient Department, then just go through the upcoming next section. This is because in the next section I am going to share with you more things about OPD that is Out Patient Department.

Importance of OPD

Till now you came to know that OPD stands for Out Patient Department. Also you have come across the parts as well as services. Now here in this section I am going to share with you about the importance of Out Patient Department. You will get to know that what and how much an OPD is important. This is one of the section most of the people are looking for. Let me here mention some of the listed points regarding the things.

You can imaging the importance of an OPD that is Out patient Department from the very thing that OPD is in fact considered as one of the most important and the most valuable departments of any hospital. Here is some of the things-

  •  The one of the thing is that this Out Patient Department in fact provides 30 to 35% of hospital revenue. This is simpler and possible by ways of consultation fees, diagnostic tests, so on and so forth.
  • Another importance about an Out Patient Department is that it is point of entry for more than 50% of IPD patients.
  • Also Out Patient department is a screening point for patients according to the need of any treatment.
  • One of the major thing includes that this Department is a reflection of popularity of hospital as more popular hospitals would have more patients coming to OPD by choice.
  • Patients also get the first impression of the hospital by visiting Out Patient Department or in other words it is considered as the first impression of any hospital. Thus Out Patient Department is considered as one of the valuable part of any hospital and is of great importance.

This is all about the significance of an Out Patient Department here in this section. Now let me cone on the another topic.

Some More About OPD

As a matter of fact all the services of any hospital are mostly get divided into three major categories. Let me mention and share with you those category. They are

  • The first one is OPD (about which I am talking right now).
  • Another one is IPD.
  • Last but not the least, is that of Emergency

Earlier, that is in the very starting I have told you that OPD means out patient department. So here the patient visit the outdoor room and then consult with the doctor for his/ her problem. OPD is just the place where consultation with the doctor happens, and after then patients take the medicine prescribed by the doctor and go back.

But if the doctor feels that the outdoor patient requires admission and needs indoor treatment then the patient is kept in the ward, may be the emergency ward.

IPD means indoor patient department. Here the patients are admitted in the ward and treated accordingly the needs. Emergency means when the patient is treated on urgent basis. A hospital in fact provides the service of emergency services for 24 hours. This is really very helpful to the patients.